Friday, January 11, 2013

Lindsay's Blueberry Muffin Martini

Recently, my cousin and I were trying to figure out what one could do with a crazy new fad liquor that tastes like buttered popcorn. I actually took some inspiration from Jelly Belly "recipes" on this -- to make a "blueberry muffin" with Jelly Belly jelly beans, put 2 blueberry jelly beans and 1 buttered popcorn jelly bean in your mouth. The point being, the butter flavor mimics a freshly buttered muffin. Why not try the same with your liquor? Since this one uses so little of it, you could pick up a sample bottle of it.

Blueberry Muffin Martini

1 part blueberry liquor
1 part vanilla vodka
1 part cake vodka (NOT Smirnoff Iced Cake)
Splash Buttered Popcorn liquor
Milk or cream to taste

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